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Closing the Conversion Gap: Effective Retargeting Strategies for Atlassian Marketplace Apps

Dart successfully hitting target on black and white board.

The conversion gap refers to the disconnect between generating initial interest and driving actual conversions. Understanding the conversion gap is crucial for optimizing the customer journey and driving business growth for Atlassian Marketplace app vendors.

Retargeting is a powerful strategy to close this gap. By re-engaging users who have already interacted with your app or website, you can boost app evaluations and sales. These users need additional touchpoints to convert, and tailored ads keep your app top of mind, encouraging them to take the next step in their buying journey.

Effective retargeting can significantly increase conversions and enhance engagement, ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

In this blog post, we will explore effective retargeting strategies for Atlassian Marketplace app makers.

Understanding the Conversion Gap

The conversion gap is the disconnect between generating interest and achieving conversions. For Atlassian app makers, this gap highlights where potential customers drop off in the sales funnel.

For example, a user may visit your Atlassian Marketplace app listing but leave without downloading a free trial or making a purchase. Understanding this gap is essential to develop strategies to convert these users.

Reasons for Non-Conversion

Here are some common reasons for non-conversion.

  • User Intent: Often, users may not be ready to purchase immediately. They might be in the early stages of their research, simply gathering information about different Atlassian apps. Recognizing this helps in tailoring retargeting strategies to nurture these users through their buying journey.
  • Information Overload: Too much information can overwhelm potential customers. Atlassian apps often come with tons of features and complex functionalities. If users are bombarded with too much technical detail at once, they may feel confused and decide to leave. Simplifying and clearly presenting information can mitigate this issue.
Diverse squares in different colors, reflecting 5,082 Atlassian apps across 35 categories.
Based on our 2023 research, there are about 5082 Atlassian apps across 35 categories and this number may be higher now! So, it’s only normal that potential customers may be overwhelmed with the information overload.
  • Lack of Trust: New users may be skeptical about the effectiveness of your app. They might question whether the app will truly meet their needs or if it will integrate well with their existing tools. Building trust through user testimonials, case studies, and offering free trials can help alleviate these concerns.
  • Comparison Shopping: Users frequently compare multiple apps before making a decision. They might explore various Atlassian Marketplace app listings, comparing features, pricing, and reviews. This can delay their decision-making process. Providing clear, concise, and compelling value propositions can help your app stand out among competitors.

Retargeting Strategies by Funnel Stage

By understanding where your potential customers are in their buying journey, you can implement specific strategies to re-engage them and guide them towards conversion. Here’s how to optimize retargeting efforts for each funnel stage.

An example of how to optimize retargeting efforts at every stage of the campaign funnel for better results.

Awareness Stage Retargeting

Bring back top-of-funnel visitors to engage further with content. The aim is to move these users deeper into the consideration stage by offering them relevant and engaging content that addresses their initial queries and sparks further interest.

Highlight educational blog posts, introductory videos, and infographics. Providing valuable, easy-to-digest content helps build awareness and interest in your app without overwhelming potential customers.

Visual representation of guide to scrum events, highlighting essential practices for successful agile methodologies in project management.
Here’s an example of an ad by an Atlassian app vendor promoting their top-of-funnel content.

Retargeting Strategies:

  1. Display Ads: Use Google Ads to retarget new visitors with engaging visual content. These ads should be visually appealing and designed to capture attention quickly, showcasing the core benefits of your Atlassian app.
  2. Social Media Retargeting: Utilize Facebook and Instagram ads to re-engage users who have interacted with your social media content. These platforms offer precise targeting options, allowing you to reach users who have shown interest in your posts, videos, or other social media engagements.

Consideration Stage Retargeting

By offering valuable information and resources, you can nurture and move users from the consideration stage to the decision stage, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Offer access to exclusive webinars, whitepapers, or detailed product demos. Providing these resources can help potential customers gain a deeper understanding of your app and its benefits, making them more likely to convert.

Example of Smartbear's retargeting ad promoting a webinar featuring their app, showcasing enterprise agility.
Here’s an example of a retargeting ad by Smartbear – notice how they promoted a webinar that features their app?

Retargeting Strategies:

  1. Video Ads: Retarget video watchers with ads that delve deeper into product features and benefits. These ads should highlight specific use cases, demonstrate functionality, and showcase the unique advantages of your Atlassian app.
  2. Email Campaigns: Send personalized emails with detailed product guides and case studies. Tailor these emails to address the specific interests and behaviors of users, providing them with the information they need to make informed decisions.
  3. Content Remarketing: Use Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads to show detailed product information and comparison blog posts to users who have shown interest. These ads should emphasize the strengths of your app and how it compares favorably against competitors.

Decision Stage Retargeting

In this stage, you should focus on converting ready-to-buy users by highlighting key app benefits and offers. By addressing their specific needs and offering compelling incentives, you can turn interested prospects into paying customers.

Some incentives are special app discounts and free trials that may provide the extra push users need to move forward with their purchase.

  • Discount Offers: Provide time-limited discounts to encourage quick decision-making. Highlight the savings and benefits of purchasing now rather than later.
  • Free Trials: Offer extended free trials or additional features during the trial period. This allows users to fully experience the value of your app without immediate financial commitment.
  • Exclusive Features: Highlight exclusive features or premium support for early adopters. Emphasize the added value they will receive by committing to your app.
Image of Kinsta migration ad with a time-sensitive offer, targeting users in the decision stage.
Though this is not an Atlassian app vendor, the retargeting ad is still relevant for users who are in the decision stage. The ad is all about a limited time offer.

Retargeting Strategies:

  1. Personalized Email Campaigns: Send emails with personalized offers and incentives. Tailor these emails to address the specific interests and behaviors of users, providing them with compelling reasons to finalize their purchase.
  2. Direct Ads: Use targeted ads on platforms like LinkedIn to retarget users who have visited your marketplace listing. These ads should highlight the unique selling points of your Atlassian app and encourage users to complete their purchase.

Drive Growth for Your Atlassian App with Effective Retargeting

Closing the conversion gap with targeted retargeting strategies is key for Atlassian app makers.

By focusing on each stage of the funnel—awareness, consideration, and decision—you can boost conversions and drive growth. Incorporating these tactics into your go-to-market (GTM) strategy will help you capture and convert more leads effectively.

For expert help in making your app stand out and succeed, take a look at our Atlassian Marketplace Marketing service.