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Essential Tips for Building a High-Converting App Listing in the Atlassian Marketplace

Over the past decade, the number of apps in the Atlassian Marketplace has skyrocketed by 9,400%, increasing from a mere 60 apps in 2012 to more than 5,700 apps today.

With thousands of apps available, optimizing your Atlassian app listing ensures better visibility and credibility, making it easier for users to find and trust your app. 

This blog post will explore essential tips for creating a high-converting app listing, covering key elements both above and below the fold to maximize lead conversion and drive sales.

Creating a Reputable Atlassian Partner Profile

The first step in building a high-converting app listing on the Atlassian Marketplace is creating a reputable partner profile. Your partner profile establishes credibility when users are browsing your apps, making it easier for them to convert and try your app.

Here are the five elements on that page to focus on.

AssetDimensionDescription / Best PracticesExample
Partner nameMaximum is 40 charactersUse your company name or your own name, if an individual. This will be displayed on your partner page, homepage sidebars, and with your apps. 

Pay attention to Atlassian’s trademark and copyright guidelines, and note that short names are preferred.
Example of how to write Partner name on Atlassian app listing, with maximum 40 characters.
Partner descriptionMaximum is 750 charactersDescribe what your organization does and what problem(s) it intends to solve.Description of Ricksoft as an organization, focusing on what it does and what problem(s) it intends to solve.
Partner logo144 x 144 px PNG/JPG/GIF

Your logo should be relevant to your partner name, as it will appear on your partner page next to your name. In the sample shown, Ricksoft’s logo is the letters RS.

Upload a large, clear, front-facing image that fits into a square. Also ensure it has a transparent background.

Here’s some guidelines for your logo:

  • Do not use Atlassian company or product logos, either on their own or in conjunction with your logo.
  • Do not create logos that resemble Atlassian company or product logos.
  • Do not use modified or reconfigured versions of Atlassian logo elements.
  • Do not use Atlassian company or product names, wordmarks, or their specific font.
  • Do not use Atlassian-owned illustrations, icons, or other brand assets.
  • Do not use other companies’ logos, mascots, or other assets without express written consent from the trademark owner. Submit evidence of this written consent with your app submission.

You can check this page for the latest versions of Atlassian logos. If in doubt about your logo, raise a ticket with the marketplace team.

Ricksoft, Inc official logo in blue and white.
Contact detailsN/A

Add as much company contact information as possible such as:

  • Office address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Website
Ricksoft, Inc contact information and support.
Support detailsN/A

Provide clear instructions on how and when users can contact you if they need support. It is even better to include an external link to support documentation. If you sell paid apps via Atlassian, you must provide support contact details.

For example, our client Ricksoft’s support link goes to their main support page.

Ricksoft’s get support link that goes to their main support page.Ricksoft’s get support link that goes to their main support page.

The Anatomy of a High Converting Atlassian App Listing

Creating an effective Atlassian app listing is essential for capturing the interest of potential users and driving conversions. For simplicity, we can split the listing into two main parts: Above the Fold and Below the Fold elements. Each part plays a crucial role in presenting your app’s value proposition clearly and compellingly.

Important above-the-fold elements for optimizing an Atlassian app listing, including app name, tagline, hero video and key highlights.
Crucial below the fold elements for optimizing an Atlassian app listing, including social proof and media.

Let’s see these elements in detail.

Above the Fold Elements

AssetDimensionDescription / Best PracticesExample
App logo144 x 144px PNG/JPG

Upload a clear logo sized at 144 x 144px. Use transparent backgrounds or chiclet-style designs. Atlassian Marketplace will then automatically generate an app icon from this logo.

Just like the partner logo above, avoid using any Atlassian product logos in your app logo or content.

Though your logo should be distinctive, you can still use the same logo if you have similar apps across different Atlassian products (i.e., if the same app can be used for Jira and Confluence).

Ricksoft logo
App nameMaximum is 60 characters

Use title casing (e.g., Gantt Chart Planner, not Gantt chart planner) and keep your app name within 60 characters.

Including the Atlassian product name is allowed (App Name for Product Name), but don’t start with the product name. For example, Jira App X would be disallowed, but App X for Jira would be approved.

Make sure your app name does not contain the following words:

  • Atlassian
  • plugin
  • beta
  • BETA
  • Beta
  • add-on
  • app
App taglineMaximum is 130 characters

Write a brief phrase that describes what your app does.

For example, if its main feature is to visualize project plans and timelines, then include that in the tagline.

Hero videoN/A

Hero video is also known as explainer video – it’s a 60- to 90-second video that explains how the app’s features solve problems.

There’s no limit to the size of the video since you can just embed a YouTube link to your app’s explainer video. The Marketplace will display your video at 800 x 600px.

A tip is to create a separate thumbnail image for your explainer video that prominently displays the customers and ratings for your app – this is a space that you don’t want to waste.

WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira hero video, a 60-to-90 second video that explains how the app’s features solve problems.
Highlight title 

Maximum is 50 characters

Add 3x title

Create a concise, action-oriented title for your highlight.Ricksoft’s highlight title that portrays a concise, action-oriented title with maximum 50 characters
Highlight summary

Maximum is 220 characters

Add 3x summary

Provide a brief overview of your app’s main features.Ricksoft’s highlight summary that provides a brief overview of the app’s main features, with maximum 220 characters.
Highlight screenshot

1840 x 900px PNG/JPG or 920 x 450px PNG/JPG for standard images

Add 3x highlight screenshot

Use a screenshot to showcase your highlight. High-resolution screenshots are recommended since the area is quite small.

On the other hand, you can also make this to be a cover image with some illustrations and words describing the feature. This way, users would want to click on the image to learn more.

This is what we did for Ricksoft. Since we’re highlighting the app’s drag-and-drop feature, we included that and some suitable illustrations on the image.

Drag-and-drop feature highlight screenshot for Ricksoft’s app.
Highlight screenshot (cropped)

580 x 330px PNG/JPG

Add 3x highlight screenshot (cropped)

You can also submit a cropped version of your screenshot so that it can be displayed prominently on the app details page. A cropped version of the highlighted screenshot to show Ricksoft’s app details page.
Highlight screenshot caption

Maximum is 220 characters

Add 3x highlight screenshot caption

Provide an explanation for your screenshot.An explanation of the highlighted screenshot for Ricksoft’s app details page.

Below the Fold Elements

AssetDimensionDescription / Best PracticesExample
More detailsMaximum is 1000 characters

Include testimonials, awards, accolades, language support, or other important information about your app.

The Marketplace displays this field in plain text, allowing hyperlinks, bullets, and line breaks.

The Marketplace “more details” display field that includes product highlights, useful features and learn more about Ricksoft’s app.
Gallery / Media

Maximum is 5 additional screenshots per highlight

Maximum is 5 additional screenshot explanations

Each screenshot explanation should be 220 characters of less

Add extra screenshots with captions to support the main version. These will appear in the gallery section on your app listing page. Additional screenshots with captions for the gallery section on the app listing page to support the main version.

Become One of Our Successful Atlassian App Clients

That’s all you need to make your app listing a high-converting one, but it can be tough to do on your own. A well-optimized product listing helps you stand out in the crowded Atlassian Marketplace, attract more users, and drive higher conversions, leading to increased app evaluations, sales, and a stronger market presence.

At Brighttail, we have extensive experience in managing Go-to-Market (GTM) strategies for Atlassian clients, including renowned names like Ricksoft, Communardo, and Digital Toucan. Our expertise in the Atlassian ecosystem enables us to tailor marketing strategies that effectively highlight your app’s unique value, engage potential customers, and convert interest into action.

Ready to elevate your app’s performance in the Atlassian Marketplace? Check out our Atlassian Marketplace Marketing service and join the ranks of our successful clients. Let Brighttail help you achieve the growth and success your app deserves.