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Life at Brighttail as a Senior Marketing Automation Specialist

If you’re familiar with working at a marketing agency, there’s one thing that you can quickly agree on: there’s a lot going on – all at the same time. It’s a fast-paced environment with multiple clients and multiple deliverables to be submitted, all of which are constantly multiplying. 

This is where marketing automation comes into play as it uses software to automate marketing tasks. Automating marketing messages and content and nurturing sales leads helps to save time and energy, as well as tweak the way you communicate with your target audience. 

To learn more about this job, let’s meet Stephanie Chew, our Senior Marketing Automation Specialist at Brighttail.

Say hello to Stephanie!

As part of the marketing automation team, I handle email marketing as well as everything related to automating work processes and tasks for Brighttail’s clients. This means my team helps our clients by designing a system to nurture leads by automating processes like sending out emails or reaching out to potential customers. We do this with the help of third-party tools like HubSpot and ActiveCampaign. 

Fun fact: Stephanie can have kimchi stew for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

On a daily basis, I conduct in-depth research to understand the high-tech B2B market and keep up with all the current trends in email marketing. I also work with the team to develop strategy and execute marketing automation efforts. 

This goes without saying, but analysis of all marketing automation and email marketing efforts is an ongoing task. Constantly monitoring and analyzing every effort is the only way to improve and optimize the quality of our campaigns. With this, I can safely say my job is never boring!

As someone who hailed from a B2C background, I would say transitioning into the B2B industry was quite challenging. I had relatively a steep learning curve in the beginning as I had to understand everything there is to know about our clients’ products and industries. But I must say that my colleagues are very helpful and will patiently teach me when things are unclear to me.  

Brighttail also prioritizes my personal growth by providing me opportunities to take up courses that would improve my skills. Given that copywriting isn’t my strongest suit, my manager offered me a chance to complete a conversational marketing online course on Drift. 

To me, this is one of Brighttail’s strengths as they take it on themselves to create a nurturing environment that will help its staff become a better people than they were yesterday.

If marketing automation is your true calling, come join our young and dynamic team today!